Moon Walker

Moon Walker
Apollo 16, 1972

sábado, 3 de setembro de 2011




• Na maioria dos verbos, acrescentamos "S" aos verbos conjugados na 3a pessoa do singular
( He, She, It ). Exemplos:

I work
He works
You play
She plays
We run
It runs


Há, contudo, alguns casos especiais. Vejamos:

• Verbos terminados em "Y", quando este estiver precedido de consoante, trocamos o "Y" por "IES",
ao conjugar a 3a pessoa do singular ( He, She, It ). Exemplos:

I cry
She cries
You fly
It flies
We try
He tries

• Verbos terminados em "O, SH, CH, X, Z, SS" ao conjugar a 3a pessoa do singular ( He, She, It ), acrescentamos "ES". Exemplos:

I do
She does
You wash
It washes
We fix
He fixes
They boss
She bosses
I watch
He watches
You buzz
It buzzes

As regras citadas até aqui não se aplicam aos verbos TO BE, TO HAVE e aos Modal Verbs ( que serão vistos em mais detalhes posteriormente ). Os verbos "TO BE" e "TO HAVE", no presente simples, são conjugados assim:


I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are


I have
You have
He has
She has
It has
We have
You have
They have

As regras de conjugação na 3a pessoal do singular ( He, She, It ) só serão usadas em frases afirmativas. Em frases negativas e interrogativas o verbo não sofrerá qualquer alteração ou acréscimo na 3a pessoa do singular.


• Usamos o auxiliar "DON'T" ( para I, YOU, WE, THEY ) e "DOESN'T" ( para HE, SHE, IT ). Ao formarmos frases negativas na 3a pessoa do singular, utilizando "doesn't", o verbo não sofrerá qualquer acréscimo ou alteração.

a ) He doesn't go to school by bus.
b ) Martha doesn't wash clothes at home.
c ) It doesn't fly very fast.
d ) You don't play well.
e ) We don't have money.
f ) They don't like the Ramones.

O verbo "TO BE" não utiliza o auxílio de "DON'T" ou "DOESN'T".


• Usamos o auxiliar "DO" ( para I, YOU, WE, THEY ) e "DOES" ( para HE, SHE, IT ). Ao formarmos frases interrogativas na 3a pessoa do singular, utilizando "does", o verbo não sofrerá qualquer acréscimo ou alteração.

a ) Does she live near here?
b ) Does he work on Sundays?
c ) Does it have airbags?
d ) Do you have a sister?
e ) Do we play well?
f ) Do they study on weekends?

O verbo "TO BE" não utiliza o auxílio de "DO" ou "DOES".

1 ) The correct interrogative form of " Bob waxes his car every Sunday" is:

a ) Does Bob waxes his car every Sunday?
b ) Does Bob wax his car every Sunday?
c ) Bob waxes his car every Sunday?
d ) Do Bob wax his car every Sunday?
e ) Bob wax his car every Sunday?

2 ) The correct affirmative form of "Does Karen polish her furniture?" is:

a ) Karen polish her furniture.
b ) Does Karen polish her furniture.
c ) Karen is polish her furniture.
d ) Karen polishing her furniture.
e ) Karen polishes her furniture.

3 ) The correct negative form of "Luke does yoga to relax" is:

a ) Luke doesn't yoga to relax.
b ) Luke not does yoga to relax.
c ) Luke doesn't do yoga to relax.
d ) Luke don't do yoga to relax.
e ) Luke does yoga to relax not.

4 ) Mark the incorrect alternative:

a ) Judy and Leslie are American?
b ) Mary isn't studying English here.
c ) The children love baseball.
d ) The American people isn't happy with Bush.
e ) Is the child very sick?

5 ) The verbs "to go, to stay, to fly, to work" , in “He, She, It” of the Simple Present, are:

a ) goes, stayes, flies, works
b ) goes, stays, flyes, works
c ) goes, stays, flies, workes
d ) goes, stayies, flyies, works
e ) goes, stays, flies, works

6 ) The negative form of "He speaks Russian" is:

a ) He doesn't speaks Russian.
b ) He didn't speak Russian.
c ) He didn't speak Russian.
d ) He doesn't speak Russian.
e ) He doesn't spoke Russian.

1 ) B
2 ) E
3 ) C
4 ) A - Está errada porque em interrogativas com o verbo TO BE este sempre vem antes do sujeito. Ex.: Are Judy and Leslie American?
5 ) E
6 ) D




Bons estudos!

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